This past week at work, I had the opportunity to work with these neat devices! They are versatile little devices which allow you to work with a TextLDC output, Analog input devices and digital input and output devices. All for very reasonable prices and what I really did like was that they have a reasonably complete software programming API which is available for most development platforms, Windows, Linux, MS VC++, Java and several other languages as well.
What I was working with was the following LCD display and a couple of other sensors

I was amazed, with only a couple of hours I had it up and working and was able to get most of the interfacing with the device done and then able to get down to actually writing the rest of the application that I needed to do.
If you are ordering from the US order from For documentation and information or for the Forums head over to where the forums and documentation is slightly more up to date.
If I actually had any extra cash on me right now I'd pick up some of these for putzing around with in my spare time at home.