Sunday, April 16, 2006

San Francisco

Originally uploaded by YaZug.
Interesting Picture we got of the San Francisco skyline.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


For anti-spyware, i recommend the following 4 things, in combination:
SpyBot: Search & Destroy ( )
AdAware ( )
Spyware Blaster ( )
Hosts File ( )

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Startup Connects Multiple Monitors Over USB

How cool is that? article
They say it won't handle the bandwidth for playing intensive games,
but it's still awesome.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Multi-Touch Input

A couple of months ago I saw this awesome demo of a multi-touch input screen demo on Slashdot - The Ultimate Dual-Hand Touchscreen. Needless to say I was amazed and blown away by the reality that a lot of new and innovative interfaces could actually be this close.

Remember the interface used in Minority Report, well it demonstrated a similar style interface to that.

Then I was trying to remember it this week and telling a co-worker about it, and Rembrandt how awesome it actually was and what it could actually mean for things we could see out in the next couple of years.

So I went digging and found one site that had the video and a number of tidbits that people have collected together on it at I sat and watched the whole video again twice tonight, in amazement and wonder of what might be reality in the next couple of years!

Now for some details that I saw in browsing and reading about it.

One person behind some of this is Jeff Han at NYU's Department of Computer Science
The other is Yann Lecon Professor of Computer Science, The Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University

Multi-Touch Sensing through Frustrated Total Internal Reflection pretty cool demonstration.

This was presented in March 2006 at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference during a session called The Future of Interfaces Is Multi-Touch

Blog entry at Multitouch interaction research
Blog entry at The Future of Interfaces Is Multi-Touch

A Very interesting area and I plan to keep track of it as time goes by and when I can figure out a way to justify it I'm getting one for my computer!

Just ran across a very interesting post linking to Lemur - The Multitouch Control Surface

And one last link to some continuing research on Multi-Touch Interaction Research

Enjoy the interesting Information

Interesting Technology

TrackStick GPS Data Logger

Found this interesting device in my browsing online today. It is supposed to run on 2 AAA batteries and it tracks where it's been. Then when you connect it to your computer you can retrieve where it's been. Pretty cool device

Think Geek - TrackStick GPS Data Logger

Interesting Spectrum Analyzer for the Wi-Fi spectrum. It is a USB dongle with a CD that is runnable under windows as well as software for running under Linux. The neat thing is it's only $99. It give you an interesting look at the Wi-Fi spectrum.

Think Geek - Wi-Spy
MetaGeek - Wi-Spy

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Underhanded C Contest

2006 Underhanded C Contest

Ever wonder why a program just runs slow on your machine and just fine on other machines?

This Programming contest actually encourages people to make programs that run just fine and even pass light code review to be correct but take a looooooonngg time to run on another platform. Go check it out for a few chuckles.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Just testing this out

Self explanitary title. Just checking this out.

Intellectual Icebergs podcast

One podcast that I have really enjoyed since I found them is Intellectual Icebergs.

Intellectual Icebergs: helping to reveal the geek god inside of you!

I even got a brain from them just last week.... but I don't have a picture of it yet

Go check them out and enjoy their interesting and informational podcast

Leadership Conference

Just posting a link to the Willow Creek Leadership Summit which is August 10-12, 2006

I've been asked to consider attending.

Leadership Summit 2006

Registration would be at the satellite Location, and super early bird registration is 5/23/06

Thesis Work

Today I'm sitting down and putting some more work into my Master's Thesis. It has been sitting for too long and it needs to get written, and the only way that will happen is if I spend some time on it.

Just found a couple of links How to Organize Your Thesis and Dissertation/Thesis Guide

Also you can check out a copy of my thesis as it's forming here .

Another useful page that I ran across is The Quest to write a thesis in Word an intersting read and some helpful insights.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Graphical Relationship exploration

Just had a request by a friend to see if I remembered any software that would allow you to explore relations graphically and drag them around on the screen and see the relations dynamically.

After a bit of digging I remembered where I had seen it before.

It was the old pmbrowser for exploring category research citation chains, and related documents. After a bit more digging around I ran across what looks like the core functionality at

This is useful visualization tools that are provided and available. I'll have to check this TouchGraph out some more when I get a bit of free time again. Especially going to have to explore TouchGraph Google Browser