Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Thesis Work

Today I'm sitting down and putting some more work into my Master's Thesis. It has been sitting for too long and it needs to get written, and the only way that will happen is if I spend some time on it.

Just found a couple of links How to Organize Your Thesis and Dissertation/Thesis Guide

Also you can check out a copy of my thesis as it's forming here .

Another useful page that I ran across is The Quest to write a thesis in Word an intersting read and some helpful insights.


YaZug said...

I remember writing a microsoft template for Kettering's Thesis, for one of my classes there, but I wasn't able to locate it at the moment.

YaZug said...

My Brother found a copy the the template file that we created. Thesis Template for Word

YaZug said...

Got a bit more accomplished today, got most of the document uniformly formatted so that it should behave. Now to find at least two areas that need something done and do it.

Anonymous said...

Need to keep working on it. - The wife.